This website is the property of SA VIGNOBLES DE LAROSE
Name of the website:
Route de Pauillac 33112 Saint-Laurent Médoc France
Tel: 00 33 (0)5 56 59 41 72 – Fax: 00 33 (0)5 56 59 93 22
Public company with share capital of 19,245,898.85€ – Registered 308 364 645 RCS. Bordeaux
Chamber of Commerce – APE 0121Z
Chief Executive: M. Franck Bijon
Director of publication: M. Franck Bijon
Designed and produced: STJOHN’S
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You may contact the person responsible for personal data for any request for information or in case of dispute (Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978), by writing to Vignobles de Larose, Route de Pauillac, 33112 Saint-Laurent Médoc
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Photo Credits
SA VIGNOBLES DE LAROSE / © Anaka, Pierre Grenet, Florent Larronde and Bertrand Carlier